Can you spare 10-15 hours to recruit correctly and accurately?
Recruiting is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. The right people can make all the difference in whether your company succeeds or fails, so you must find the best candidates for the job. But how do you do that without making mistakes?
It’s not easy—and it’s not cheap. Hiring mistakes are one of the biggest reasons for startup failure, and they can cost millions of dollars in lost revenue and productivity each year. But if you’re willing to spend some time on it, there are ways to ensure that your new hires will work out well — and we’re here to help.
We’ll take care of all the legwork required to recruit accurately and effectively on your behalf: phone screens, interviewing candidates, scheduling them for interviews with other members of your team… all that stuff. You need to tell us who you want us to find and what kind of person they are.
We’re also here for more complex projects like recruiting for new positions as they arise—we can help you build a pipeline of candidates from scratch and keep it stocked at all times.
Contact us today.